Our History

The history of Owl’s Hill began in 1959 ...

The history of Owl’s Hill began in 1959 when Huldah (Cheek) Sharp gave her childhood home, Cheekwood, to the newly formed Tennessee Botanical Gardens and Fine Arts Center, a private nonprofit corporation. Huldah and Walter Sharp purchased a 140-acre farm from the Roy Elam family and began constructing the scenic stone walls we see today at the same time they were building their new home on the side of a hill overlooking their newly purchased farmland. Shortly after completion, the Sharps were outside one night and could hear a Great Horned Owl calling from the ridge. They remarked that they must have built their home on the owl’s hill and began calling their property Owl’s Hill Farm.

After Walter's unexpected death, Huldah placed restrictive covenants on the property and sold it the University of Tennessee Nashville in 1972 to be used for research and to be maintained as a nature preserve.  In 1983 UT Nashville conveyed the property to then Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and Museum of Art. In 1988, Huldah Sharp’s dream of a nature sanctuary started down the long road to reality when Cheekwood hired a full time naturalist to oversee the creation of a wildlife habitat preserve, establish education programming, undertake conservation projects, correct erosion problems and make the now 120-acre site available for research. The new facility was christened Owl’s Hill Nature Center. The caretakers cottage that had originally been a hay barn was turned into a Visitor Center.

Since there was only one employee and financial support was limited to interest on a small endowment, progress was slow but steady. Cheekwood provided administrative support but financially, Owl’s Hill was on its own. In 1991 a Boy Scout appeared in search of an Eagle Service Project. His project was removing wire fencing from a scenic wooded area. The restoration had begun. Since then, more than 130 Eagle Service Projects have helped transform the neglected, overgrown cattle farm into a vibrant wildlife sanctuary.

In the spring of 2007, the Board of Trustees of the Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art voted to turn over all Owl's Hill assets to a newly created nonprofit organization. Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary became a completely independent non-profit by spring of 2007. The Nature Sanctuary now encompasses 300+ acres and is a protected home for more than 2,000 species of native flora and fauna.

Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary was named Tennessee Wildlife Federation's Conservation Organization of the Year (2016) and is the recipient of the Brentwood Environmental Stewardship Award (2019).

Board of Directors

Dane Andersen - Board Chairman

Mars, Inc. (Retired)

Jackie Byrom - Treasurer

Certified Public Accountant

Paul Kingsbury - Secretary
Country Music Hall of Fame

Jay Levy - Immediate Past Chair
HCA Healthcare (Retired)
Susan Duvenhage -
Ex Officio
President and Executive Director 

Sharon Bell

Four Squared Creative, LLC

Matthew Belsante

HCA Healthcare

Chris Bernstein

Tennessee Hospital Association

Cindy Corn

AquAeTer (Retired)

Baird Dixon

Orcutt | Winslow

Russ Heldman

Heldman Law

Jenni Moran

Community Volunteer

Sandy Obodzinski

Humanities Tennessee

Elisabeth Sandberg, PhD

Vanderbilt University

Rachel Smith Price

Community Volunteer

Tracy Stadnick

Community Volunteer

John Tishler

Epstein Becker & Green

Molly Viola

Covenant Capital Group

Jean Buchanan - Honorary

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

~ John Muir

Past Chairs

Jay Levy, 2020 - 2023

Dr. Charles Smith, 2016-2020

Norm Miede, 2014-2016
Connally Penley, 2013-2014
Margaret Howell, 2012-2013

Mary Brockman, 2011-2012

Joe Diehl, 2010-2011
Lee Peterseim, 2007-2008; 2009-2010
Carl Zimmerman, 2008-2009

Our Staff

Susan Duvenhage

Executive Director

Julie Eperjesi

Director of Education

Alison Gower

Director of Development


Lands Manager

Amy MacKenzie

Live Animal Supervisor

Laura Smith


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