(8:30 am - 3 pm)
*** Last Day Pass sold one hour before closing ***
February Workshop: Tracking Basics
Saturday, February 1, 9 - 11:30 am
$20 / person
Ages 14+ (minors must be accompanied by a registered adult)
Learn how to identify animal tracks as well as signs like antler rubs, burrows, and scat to find out what animals are active in the area and gain insight into their hidden lives.
This program will cover basic tracking techniques alongside track and sign identification and tips to help participants continue to build their tracking skills.
Instructors: David Coats, Certified Tennessee Naturalist, Laura Smith, OHNS Staff Naturalist
March Workshop: Beginning Birding
Saturday, March 8, 8 - 10:30 am
$20 / person
Ages 14+ (minors must be accompanied by a registered adult)
Get ready for spring migration with this introduction to bird watching and bird identification. Learn the basics of bird identification by sight and sound using a field guide or digital app. This program will also discuss how to choose and use binoculars and how to share your findings with digital citizen science apps like eBird and iNaturalist.
Bring binoculars! There will also be a limited number of binoculars to borrow. Participants are welcome to bring field guides or load a digital field guide like Sibley or Audubon on their smartphone.
Instructor: Laura Smith, OHNS Staff Naturalist
Note: To protect the wildlife, we do not permit pets on the Sanctuary grounds.
All Rights Reserved | Site by One Eleven
Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Tax ID # 02-0781338.